The Gotica of James Woodrow Marchand
with the amber numbers referring to the Bibliographia Gotica

1955. Vowel length in Gothic. General Linguistics 1.79-88. 666.2.
1955. The sounds and phonemes of Wulfila's Gothic. University of Michigan: Unpublished  doctoral dissertation.656.2.
1955. Der Ursprung des gotischen þorn-Zeichens. PBB 77.490-494. 652.5.
1956. Das akrophonische Prinzip und Wulfilas Alphabet. ZfdA 86.265-275. 652.6.
1956. Two alleged Late Gothic sound changes. JEGP 55.253-256. 696.2.
1956. The 'converse' of Sievers´ 'law' and Germanic first-class weak verbs. Language 32.285-287.
1956. Dialect characteristics in our Gothic mss.  Orbis 5.141-151. 666.3.
1956. The Gothic evidence for Euthalian matter. Harvard Theological Review 49.159-167.
1957. (with Fernand MOSSÉ): Bibliographia Gotica. (second supplement). Mediaeval Studies 19.174-196. 17.1.c.
1957. Notes on Gothic manuscripts. JEGP 56.213- 224. 246.1., 681.2. etc.
1957. Notes on some Gothic inflectional endings. Modern Language Notes 72.107-110. 696.3.
1958. Sievers´ Law and a rule of IE syllable formation. General Linguistics 3.73-84.
1958. The Gothic language. Orbis 7.492-515. 82.2.
1959. Les Gots ont-ils vraiment connu l'écriture runique? Mélanges de linguistique et de philologie.
         Fernand Mossé in memoriam, 277-291. Paris: Didier. 652.8.
1959. Hatten die Goten vor Wulfila eine Schrift? (zu PBB 72, 500-508). PBB 81.295-302. 652.7.
1950. PBB 72.500ss. is Siegfried GUTENBRUNNER's  Über den Ursprung des gotischen Alphabets,652.3.
1959. Über ai, au im Gotischen. PBB 81.436-455. 666.14.
1970. Gotisch. Kurzer Grundriß der germanischen Philologie bis 1500.
       1. Sprachgeschichte. Ed. by Ludwig E. Schmitt, 94-122. Berlin: de Gruyter. 82.6.
1973. On the Gotica Veronensia. New Testament Studies 19.465-468. 375.3.
1973. The sounds and phonemes of Wulfila's Gothic. (JanLing - Series Practica 25.) The Hague: Mouton. 678.9.
        (originally written in 1955, hence unrevised version of 656.2.).
        Book review by Eric Pratt HAMP in Foundations of Language 14/3 (1976) 431-432.
1987. The Use of the Personal Computer in the Humanities.
Issues and Developments in English and Applied Linguistics (IDEAL) 2.17-32
(not less than 22 different scribal hands in the Gothic mss [p.26])
(Reprint in Gotica Minora Prima, Hanau [Syllabus] 2002)
