The Gotica of George Washington Salisbury Friedrichsen
with the amber numbers referring to the Bibliographia Gotica

1926.    The Gothic version of the gospels. A study of ist style and textual history. London: Oxford University Press. 1208.
1927.    Notes on the Gothic calendar (Cod. Ambros. A). MLR 22.90-93. 356.
1930.    The silver ink of the Codex Argenteus. JThS 31.189-192. 244.
1937.    The Gothic text of Rom. xiv 14 (ti koinòn eînai) in Cod. Guelferbytanus, Weissenburg 64. JThS 38.245-247. 433.1.
1938.    The Gothic version of the fourth century Byzantine text. JThS 39.42-44. 292.1. = 391.1.
1939.    The Gothic version of the Epistles. A study of its style and textual history. London: Oxford University Press. 1218.
1957.    Gothic Notes. Medium Aevum 26.113-114. 447.1.
1959.    The Greek text underlying the Gothic version of the New Testament; The Gospel of St. Luke.
            Mélanges de linguistique et de philologie. Fernand Mossé in memoriam, 161-184. Paris: Didier. 292.4.
1960.    Gothic Notes: I) in garaihteins gaaggwein, II) gahwotjan : gahwatjan. MedAev 29.184-187. 316.12.
1961.    Gothic studies. (Medium Aevum Monographs, 6.) Oxford: Blackwell. 292.5.
1962.    Notes on the Gothic Bible. NTS 9.39-55. 375.2.
1962.    The Gothic 'Skeireins' in the Greek original. NTS 8.43-56. 316.14.
1962.    Notes on the Gothic Bible. NTS 9.39-55. 316.16.
1964.    The Gothic 'Skeireins', leaf VI. NTS 10.368-373. 316.19.
1964.    The Gothic commentary on St. John 'Skeireins', leaf VIII. NTS 10.499-504. 316.20.
1965.    The Gothic text of Luke in its relation to the Codex Brixianus (f) and the Codex Palatinus (e). NTS 11.281- 290. 297.2.
1970.    The Gothic 'Skeireins'  in the Greek original, leaves V and VII. NTS 16.277-283. 316.22.